Church Mission

Mission & Vision

☆Our Mission: Lighthouse exists to worship God, build up the body, and reach out to the Lost.

☆Our Focus: is upward, inward and outward.

☆Our Core Values are Relational Values: Unity, humility, integrity, humor and commitment.

***Every person has value and is the focus of our ministry.
***Every person has the right to a presentation of the gospel at his or her level of understanding.
***Every person needs a Biblical moral compass to guide and protect him or her throughout life.
***Every believer has unique gifts to be discovered, developed and utilized.
***Every believer has purpose, and a God given mandate to advance the mission of Christ.

☆Our Vision: “Every soul saved and live as disciples of Jesus”

☆Our Goals: Raise up disciples to include, equip, involve, and invest people in the mission of Christ.

☆To promote and encourage quality relationships, and a strong sense of community.

Our Method: By implementing our core values through: providing quality education, passionate worship, and biblical preaching, and to provide services and events that promote our vision.